Structural Engineering Services
Bridges & Falsework
We have over 30 years Structural Engineering experience on hundreds of structures subject to oversight by CalTrans, Counties, Municipalities, Flood Control Districts, Forest Service, Railroads and other agencies.
- Bridge Design: Type Selection, Complete Structural Plans and Specifications
- Falsework Design: Optimized for materials on hand. Staged Construction over traffic and railroads. Steel and timber shoring.
- Excavation Shoring: Structure excavation and trenches.
- Temporary Bracing: For formwork and reinforcing.
- Temporary Bridges: Pedestrian and traffic.
- Protective Covers: For demolition.
- Cost Reduction Incentive Proposals: Foundations and Structures.
Commercial, Industrial & Institutional
We have over 30 years Structural Engineering experience on hundreds of structures subject to oversight by US Airforce, Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA, OSHPD, DSA, Counties, Municipalities, and other agencies.
- Assembly Buildings: Schools, churches and gymnasiums.
- Tilt-up Structures: Warehouses, cold storage, processing plants and retail outlets.
- Offices: Banks, medical offices and support facilities.
- Retail Facilities: Stores, restaurants, automobile dealerships.
- Essential Facilities: Hospitals, Police and Fire stations.
- Residential: Hotels and motels.
- Transportation Facilities: Terminals and bridges.
Retrofit & Rehabilitation of Structures
- Damage Repair: Fire and flood.
- Unreinforced Masonry Buildings: Evaluation and Retrofit.
- Seismic: Evaluation and retrofit.
- Structural Retrofit: Due to code revisions or changes in occupancy.
- Structural Damage: Evaluation of causes and recommend repairs.
- Demolition Plans: Detailed sequential operating procedures.
Civil Engineering Structures
- Retaining Walls: Gravity walls, cantilever retaining walls, tie back walls, and sea walls.
- Utility Buildings: Pump/valve vaults, pump and equipment foundations, pipe supports, water tanks.
- Buried Structures: Pump/valve electrical vaults, wet wells, lift stations, water tanks, water and waste water treatment chambers. Excavation shoring.
- Bridges: Vehicle, pedestrian, and pipe bridges.
- Drainage Structures: Box culverts/open channels, junction boxes, rock slope protection, gabions.
- Dams and Spillways
- Foundations: Signs, lighting standards, antennas and towers, repairs and retrofits
Our Methods
Applied Engineering produces all engineering drawings entirely with our CAD system. Completed drawings can be transmitted electronically. In addition, most structural calculations are performed using interactive structural analysis and design programs. The resulting calculations clearly identify all numeric values with units, and are suitable for submission to building agencies with a minimum of hand calculations. This integrated structural engineering system results in very clear and complete construction documents which can be revised to suit design revisions with a minimum of effort and time.
What Can We Do For You?
We have been providing Structural Engineering services for the central coast area for over 30 years. Our wide range of skills and expertise ensure your structural needs are resolved with professionalism and minimal surprises during construction. If you need an engineer for your project contact us today.